Keyword Research Course

That thing we charge $2,499 for? Learn how to do it yourself. 

Welcome to the Keyword Research Course! I’m Justin 👋

As you probably know...

Keyword Research is a crucial part of an SEO and Content Marketing strategy. I would go so far as to say it is THE most crucial.

Why? Without knowing which keywords to target, companies of all sizes waste time, energy, and resources creating (sometimes really great) content that ultimately goes nowhere.

One way you could get good at Keyword Research is to do what I did and spend years educating yourself, learning-while-doing, and going the whole “trial and error” approach. The other way is to invest in a course and learn literally everything a professional does in just a few short lessons.

I put this together with the impression that I could help someone learn absolutely everything I know about how to put together a winning Keyword Research strategy, all without overwhelming or confusing anybody.

It’s the course I wish would have existed when I was first getting started.


Turning Searches Into Traffic

A course on Keyword Research and Content Strategy.

The skills it took me 5 years to get good at and now get paid to do professionally. In this course I walk you carefully through my exact processes for keyword research and content strategy. By the end you’ll literally know how to do everything I do, as well as I do. Use it for yourself. Use it for your company. Use it for your clients.

keyword research first page google rankings

Course last updated: Oct 9, 2021


Turning Searches Into Traffic

keyword research first page google rankings

A course on Keyword Research and Content Strategy.

The skills it took me 5 years to get good at and now get paid to do professionally. In this course I walk you carefully through my exact processes for keyword research and content strategy. By the end you’ll literally know how to do everything I do, as well as I do. Use it for yourself. Use it for your company. Use it for your clients.

Course last updated: Oct 9, 2021

Whether you’re an agency wanting to offer the same services we do, a solopreneur growing their web presence, or the Head of Marketing at a startup, this course aims to teach you Keyword Research and Content Strategy as well as an agency owner with 5+ years of professional experience, all in a handful of short, easy-to-follow screencasts. In this course you’ll get not only the exact template that I use for my paying clients, but you’ll get to watch over my shoulder while I narrate and walk you through my exact process that I’ve done for dozens of happy, paying customers.

If I ever hire an employee, I’d consider this everything they need to know in order to make our clients happy, providing them with insight that, if followed consistently, would bring them a ton of free, ongoing web traffic that makes them a lot of money. 

What's Inside

In the following lessons I’ll be completing from scratch an SEO Keyword Research spreadsheet that I do for my paying clients, walking you step-by-step through the following:

  1. Setting up the exact Google Sheets template we use. 📐
  2. How to use for Keyword Research. (Not an affiliate. I just use and love their product. Their $7 trial will be your only additional expense.)
  3. How to identify your online competitors and dissect their SEO strategies, including both what they are doing well and missing out on.
  4. How to make a “Master List” of the keywords your competitors rank for, so you can do what they do…better than they have.
  5. How to find keywords that form a professional Marketing Funnel, identifying opportunities to turn searches into traffic.
  6. How to use these keywords ☝️ to plan content around Topic Clusters that maximize their growth potential.
  7. How to estimate your ROI when it comes to making new content (both for investors as well as your own planning).

🎉 Bonus: How to identify the most important terms your business needs to be targeting. (i.e.: the terms that your competitors all rank for that you’re missing out on). 


  • 1-week trial of ($7, then $99-$179/month after)

    Recommended: Don’t start your trial until you’ve completed this course and are ready to put the trial into action. You will be able to get everything you need during the 7 days.

  • Free 30 day trial of Ablebits Duplicates Remover for Google Sheets ($33/year after)

    Same thing: Don’t start your trial until you’ve completed this course and are ready to put the trial into action.

  • A blank copy of our Keyword Research Template (link in lesson 1)

A Note on Costs:

Ahrefs is an expensive monthly tool used by companies earning enough profit to justify it. There are similarly priced alternatives to it such as SEMRush and Moz, but Ahrefs is the one I’ve found the most useful (and, I’ve observed, is the one most of my professional SEO peers use as well).

Ubersuggest is a free alternative, but in my experience it’s unreliable and frustrating.To make a smart financial choice, I recommend sticking with the gameplan of…

  1. Watch and fully understand all of the videos in this course.
  2. Consider your needs and goals to accomplish once you begin your 7-day trial period.
  3. Only THEN sign up for the Ahrefs trial. I’m confident that if you diligently follow the steps in the videos, you can get all the information you need from it within the first 7 days and not need to continue paying for it.

(If you do decide to keep paying for it, great! I’m a big fan of their product and encourage you to support them. If you’re an agency using it for your clients, I recommend and use their $179/month tier)


If you’re serious about leveling up your SEO and Content Marketing game, you’ve got two options. 1) Hire an expensive professional. 2) Learn it yourself.

For a few hundred bucks we’ll be sure you learn it within a couple of days, easily. Why rely on someone else when you’ve got all the knowledge yourself?

We’ll see you inside the course. 🤝

Submit a short form to tell us about your business. We’ll spend 30 minutes presenting suggestions on ways we can help you grow your SEO and answer your questions.

You’ll leave with an actionable recording you can use, whether you decide to hire us or not.